
IGIE will be managed by a Board of Management (The Board) which will consist of one member from each of the founding member institutes.

The Board will appoint a member who will act as Chairman of the Board. The Chairman will serve at the Board's discretion for as long as the Board deems appropriate.

The Board may at its discretion appoint other members as officers of IGIE. The duties of the officer will be identified when the appointment is made. The Board is also empowered to create committees or task forces to perform specific functions. It is also empowered to act on proposals by members brought before the Board.

The Chairman's Institute, during his or her term of office, will provide secretarial and administrative support for the Chairman.

The Board may meet at any time to deal with Board issues; however, it will meet annually with fuller membership representation to discuss issues requiring broader representation. All Members of IGIE will be invited to attend the annual meeting. Meetings and sessions will be held in an open forum and all Members in attendance will be invited to participate in the proceedings. The Chairman will distribute the date, time, venue and agenda for the annual meeting to all Members.

The Chairman will keep records with respect to:

  • The assets and liabilities of IGIE;

  • Monies received and expended on behalf of IGIE;

  • Membership

Such records will be kept at the offices of the Chairman's Institute and be open to inspection by members of the Board.